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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the booking process take? What methods of payment accepted? Can I use more than one payment method to pay for a reservation? And more.

We open up the calendar to book about 4 months ahead of time. That way, we can guarantee we have updated prices and availability. We do not take bookings for this date next year.

Just bring your personal items, including toiletries. We do not offer shampoo or shower gels at our homes.
We do offer everything else, like sheets, towels, beach gear; the kitchen is fully stocked, and so on.

Check-in time is after 4:00 pm. If you would like an early check-in, please reach out to see if we can accommodate it.

Check-out is before 10:00 am. If you need a late check-out, please reach out to see if we can accommodate it.

You can contact me via email and text message. Normal hours are from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. During your stay, you will receive an emergency number as well.

Please reach out to us if we can accommodate it.

We accept Credit Card, Venmo, Zelle, Cash.

We hold $500 per reservation.

Sorry, we do not offer any personalized services like flower arrangements or special decor wishes.

You can cancel anytime. Refunds will be granted based on your rental agreement’s policy. To cancel, please email or call us.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Great service. Exceptional rentals. Florida Rental Group.